Tuesday, October 16, 2007

CLE 7, BOS 3; Standings, October 16, PM

Andrew and I log another 2 for the Cleveland win, and oh yeah, slugger points. Remember those? Broomfield/Romine gets 2 for the Ortiz shot, moving up to 54; Andrew and I go up to 29; no change in the overall rankings.

The Sox are, to my surprise, down 3-1 in this series. There's a rare non-travel off day tomorrow, followed by a pitching-pick showdown on Thursday at 8:07 ET, Beckett v. Sabathia. If Cleveland wins, it locks out another eight poolies...but doesn't necessarily put them out of the money, especially if Beckett throws another gem.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it me or does "Manny being Manny" (standing at the plate & watching his HR w/ the team down 4 runs) seem a bit less endearing when the Sox lose?

Go Tribe!
