Monday, October 19, 2020

LAD 4, ATL 3; Dodgers move on

We've got ourselves a World Series! Dodgers vs. Rays. Not necessarily how I saw this going weeks ago, and as a poolie, 'tis not great for me, but as a fan, I like it. 

The final points for ATL picks:

Acuña 0
Freeman 0
Ozuna 1
Swanson 4

We lose all four of these guys. Points for the Trolley-Dodgers:

Bellinger 4
Betts 3
Muncy 2
Pollock 1
Seager, weirdly 0
Turner 0

And now, a couple of brief days in the lead all by my lonesome...with only Seager remaining. (I'll also note that my other slate is and will remain in possession of last place. I contain multitudes!) Just a reminder that if you're slate's in italics, it's a zombie, and once it falls out of the money it will no longer appear in updates. I'm so sorry, friends -- but this was a pretty good run in the CSes.

71 SDB
70 MArbour 1
68 Fell 2

The Gang Of 65, and everyone else, after the jump.

65 Barboot 2; Tormey; Cameron 1 and Shotwell 1*
63 MArbour 2 and Barboot 1*
61 JArbour 1

56 Stempelson
55 Bauer 2
54 Yuhan 1, Cayenne 1, Winklepleck
52 Shotwell 2

48 Lund, Cayenne 2
47 Brady

45 Bingham and DGB*
44 Cameron 2

40 Fell 1

38 Bauer 1

25 Dunn
21 JArbour 2

Now, a lot of these slates only have Betts or Bellinger left, so if they're not already at or near the money, I'd put their chances between slim and none...but we have six completes still in it. I won't say it's anyone's game, but if some of these struggling picks start hitting...

We'll find out one way or the other on Tuesday, with the likely starters Glasnow and Kershaw. I don't really know what to predict here; the Rays will have had one more (crucial, this year) day off, but the Dodgers have started feeling themselves the last couple games. Between L.A.'s murderous line-up and the cracks that started to show in the Rays' pen, I think this is the Dodgers' year. I also think it won't be easy. Dodgers in 6.

Until then, check my math; to everyone who's out, thanks so much for playing this year; and to everyone who's still in play, good luck! See you Tuesday night.


Stempel said...

The plan is to ride Bellinger back into the money!! LOL

Arbour said...

Apart from my pool driven interests, I am really glad the Dodgers made the world series, I want Kershaw and some of the other dodgers to win a championship finally.

Fell said...

I was hoping the Braves would pull it out so my good slate would still have a shot -- go Rays, I guess?

Lauren said...

As a Dodger fan, I am both excited and terrified right now!