Monday, October 13, 2008

LAD 7, PHI 2

Sorry for the delay in posting today, folks. I'll put up an updated score list after tonight's games, but below you'll find last night's points:

LAD: 5
Ramirez, M.: 1

No huge change in the standings; Jill Tupac leapfrogged over me and Zach, and Tommy C. is still showing signs of life, but no major shake-ups or anything.

Stay tuned...

Oh, and my Takeaway radio spot is here. Please keep in mind before you heckle that I got up at 5 AM to do it, so my repartee is not at its wittiest. Or using-verbs-iest.

1 comment:

Aaron C. said...

Jon Lester beats cancer, gets tagged by Rays.

Damn it.