Thursday, October 13, 2022

SD 5, LAD 3

I'll spare you the "[X team]'s goose is cooked" puns, but only because it's not technically true. The Dodgers did catch a case of LOB-itis partway through last night's game, but not before notching some points -- and what do you know, Cronenworth is here!

Betts 2
Freeman 6
W Smith 1
J Turner 1
T Turner 4

Cronenworth 4
Machado 6

Different look for the money this morning -- and that nudges the zombie slates out of the discussion, so after this update, you won't see those slates again -- but don't get used to it, because the NL's off today.

Your leaders, with the full standings after the jump:

26 Crase 1
25 Yuhan 1
23 The Chavez Ravine 3

22 Reid 2
21 Winklepleck 1, O'Reilly, and Bauer Heart

19 Drake
18 Fell 2
17 Brady
16 Reid 1, Sung, Rogge, Bauer Shock, and Cayenne 2

15 SDB 2 and Crase 2
14 Yuhan 2 and Cameron 1
13 Bingham 2

12 DGB
11 JArbour and Cameron 2
10 Cayenne 1 and Bingham 1

9 Quinn
8 SDB 1, Dunn, and Tormey

7 MArbour 2
6 Fell 1
5 Stempel
4 Shotwell 2

So that means the true Gol-Dunn Sombrero is off the table for 2022. It also means I erred not picking Machado again, because he's killing it like he always does at this time of year. Nobody should get too comfortable at the top, though, because there's a ton of Judge and Altuve picks waiting to shake everything up.

And it's their show today, starting at 3:37 ET with Mariners at Astros. Guardians/Yankees follows at 7:37 PM, in theory. In practice, the rains are coming to Bomberland today and that start will probably get delayed. I'll see you for an update at some point -- or in the comments!

1 comment:

Jill Stempel said...

Argh I picked the wrong Turner!!