Friday, October 5, 2018

BOS 5, NYY 4

After the flurry of texts during the game, a flurry of points from the game, as predicted...and speaking of predictions, I really don't know where this series goes from here. Between the Sox bullpen, the somewhat squishy starting pitching on the New York side, good hitters, bad defense...I don't know.

It won't be dull, though. Points!

Benintendi 2
Betts 2
Bogaerts 1
Martinez 5

Judge 6
Stanton 1
Voit 2

First set of standings after the jump.

16: Reid Love
15: MArbour 2, Fell 1, Cameron 2
14: Richardson

13: Tormey
12: Shotwell 2, Yuhan 2
11: Stempel
10: Johnson 2

9: JArbour 1, Bingham 2
8: Brady

7: Cameron 1, Reid Hate, Bauer 2, Fell 2, Shotwell 1, Johnson 1, SBunting 2, JArbour 2

6: MArbour 1, Bauer 1
5: Bunting 1

4: Quinn, Yuhan 1
3: DBunting, Winklepleck
2: Crase, Bingham 1

And a round on me of the beverage of his choice for MArbour, who lent me his spreadsheet in the hopes that the arithmetic wouldn't turn into a hairball in the first week of play (but nicely did not put it that way). See you back here later for the ATL/LAD update.

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