Monday, October 28, 2013

BOS 4, STL 2

The series is evened up at two apiece. Kind of a strange one so far, no? Weird things proving decisive.

Weird picks proving decisive too, for some folks. Your points:

Ortiz 4
Pedroia 1
Beltran 1
Carpenter 2
Holliday 2

Buchholz 3
Lynn 7.67

As Johnson 1 prepares to fall out of the discussion, here's the money:
Birthworthy 197.33
Johnson 2 195.67
Johnson 1 and Bingham 1 190.33

The real story is Ramos, the big point-getter last night, and his inevitable march to the money. (Honorable mention to the stream of disgusted Victorino-related texts from one M. Dunn. I hear ya, buddy. I stopped muttering "Kris effin' Medlen" like yesterday?)

Ramos 186.33
Cameron 1 and Dunn 183

Quinn 176

Shotwell 158.67
Sheebell 132.33

Tonight's matchup, Lester v. Wainwright, seems set to launch Cameron and Ramos into the money for good...unless one or both of the aces runs out of gas, which as it's nearly Halloween is not impossible. Last licks in St. Looie; game starts at 7:30 ET.

1 comment:

LeighBee said...

That sound you hear from Colorado is the mournful weeping of the most drawn-out fall from a money spot in recorded history.