Thursday, November 5, 2009

NYY 7, PHI 3: The-e-e-e-e-e Yankees win!

A 27th World Championship for the Bombers; a last-minute Pettitte-fueled grab of the big money by Ben.  Probably the first time a pool has come down to the wire that way, too. 

A good year for the pool, overall -- thanks primarily, in my opinion, to the absence of the Cubs and their tendency to fubar everyone's better sabremetric judgment.  I welcome your LVP nominations in the comments (...Markinson Texno).  The point system could use a few more tweaks, too, so send me your suggestions if you'd like.  You've got eleven months to mull it over.

And now, your points:

NYY: 18

Jeter, D: 4
Rodriguez, A: 1
Teixeira, M: 1

Howard, R: 4

Pettitte, A: 8.67


And the final standings:

Ben: 298
Kim: 293.33
Maria 2: 260.34

Warren, jinxed out of the $$ by Sarah (sorry, friend): 246.34
Lauren: 240.34

Aaron: 239.33
Sarah: 237.66

Tim: 217.34
Stephen: 211.34

Matt: 192.34

Maria 1: 189.33


That's it for us this year, guys, but the comments stay open all year, and you can always email me with thoughts and questions.  Thanks again for playing; winnings will go out today.

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