Monday, October 19, 2009

PHI 11, LAD 0

...Ouch.  Good night for the Philly phans in the pool, though.  Your points:

PHI: 5

Howard, R: 3
Rollins, J: 2
Utley, C: 2

Lee, C: 18


Thanks to the "Pitchers On Ice" stylings of Burnett and Lee, I'm making a run at the money.  The top three remains the same --

Kim: 135
Ben One: 125
Lauren: 123.67

-- and Kim's lead is getting larger.  (Just a reminder: Kim and Ben One still have all their picks; Lauren is one of two poolies who is only one pick short.  Everyone else is down two picks or more at this point.)  But Ben One is the lone Pettitte picker, and stands to retake the lead tonight as Grandpa Andy takes the mound against Jered Weaver, a.k.a. Joe's Last Hope.

That's the best; here's the rest:

Fighting it out in the 110s: Sarah, the Marias, Aaron, and Warren
Mid-100s: Tim and Matt
90s: Stephen and LJ
That 70s Show: Ben Two, John, Tom, and Jill
Say it ain't so: Joe

Play begins at 4:13 ET (...seriously?) with the Bombers in Anaheim; then it's Dodgers at Phillies at 8:07.  Three of the four pitchers in play, Teixeira pickers waiting patiently.

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