Thursday, October 29, 2009

NYY 3, PHI 1

Something of a nailbiter, but Good AJ took the mound and Tex went long.  All even at one game apiece, as the teams board the trains for Philly tonight.

Not a ton of points to spread around, but I for one like the distribution:

NYY: 3

Jeter, D: 2
Teixeira, M: 4

Burnett, AJ: 16

No change in the money, but I got a lot closer to it for once, thanks to Allan James:

Kim: 230.33
Ben: 220.66
Maria 2: 203.67
Aaron: 199.33
Sarah: 196.66
Warren: 195.67
Lauren: 191.67

Matt: 171.67
Maria 1: 170.33

Tim: 169.67
Stephen: 166.67


Until Halloween night, friends.

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