Tuesday, September 29, 2020

NYY 12, CLE 3

There's a Justin Bieber joke here, but I'm too tired. Yanks probably are too, with all that hitting they did. All eligible hitters got points:

Ramirez 2

LeMahieu 2
Voit 3

And now our standings after the first day of play, although not all slates have "come to bat" yet:

8: Cameron 2
5: O'Reilly, Yuhan 1
4: JArbour 2, Bingham 2

3: Dunn, the Cayennes, SDB 1, Brady, Yuhan 2

2: Lund, Bingham 1, DGB, Winklepleck, Fell 1, Bauer 2, Barboot 2

1: Fell 2, Bauer 1, Tormey

and everyone else waiting to get on board with the NL games tomorrow.

...Guys! So many games tomorrow! Allllll the games tomorrow. It's basically on the hour every hour starting at noon ET with Reds/Braves. Buntsy prom! I'm off-site for a bit tomorrow so updates might be sporadic; stay tuned.


Ellen Fell said...

"Its like March Madness!" -- my husband, looking at today's schedule

Sarah D Bunting said...

IT IS!! In all the best ways.