Thursday, October 28, 2010

SF 11, TEX 7

Great pitching match-up! Except the "great" part. And mostly the "pitching" part.

Texas clawed back close enough to nix the blowout points for San Francisco, though, and while both the starters looked capital-R ragged, each managed to pull some points for their pickers, to wit:

SF - 3

Cruz, N - 2
Posey, B - 1
Uribe, J - 4

Lee, C - 11.67
Lincecum, T - 8.67


No change in the standings, but Sam has inched closer to the money.

John - 235.67
The Sheriff - 202
Aaron - 193
Sam - 188.67
Maria - 146.67
Jill - 133.67
Sarah - ha.ha

As far as pool points go, it's pretty much up to the hitters now unless/until we see the aces again. It's CJ Wilson against my life-support pick, Matt Cain, tonight at 8 PM ET.

1 comment:

Joe Reid said...

Those garbage runs in the 9th really hurt my soul. And my chances of taking down John.