Thursday, October 11, 2007

COL 5, ARI 1; Standings, October 12, Early AM

SI is giving this series to the D-backs in seven, but they might have their work cut out -- Colorado pickers add 2, Webb pickers add 4.

Not much change in the rankings; I've bolded the movers.

42: Broomfield/Romine
37: Tom
29: Aaron C.
27: Matt, Aaron M., Lauren
25: Broomfield, Jill
22: John
21: Sarah
18: Andrew
17: Joe, Famous Original Maria
15: Maria Trips
7: Angela, Zach

Tomorrow night seems likely to shake things up, with two of the surviving pitching picks facing off at 7:07 ET. Rockies/Diamondbacks take the field at 10:07.

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